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Select edition of Gregg Allman's upcoming posthumous album, Southern Blood, will come packaged with a very unique feature: cover art painted with Allman's own blood. According to Ultimate Classic Rock, artist Vincent Castiglia used Allman's blood as well as blood from the singer's children for the portrait, based on a Neil Preston photograph. It will be included in deluxe editions and the initial vinyl run of the new release. Castiglia explained that Allman approached him in 2015 to create the portrait, with the artist storing vials of the singer's blood for more than a year, beginning the work shortly after Allman's passing. "This is the single most important work I've ever painted," Castiglia said in a press statement. "When Gregg shipped me the vials of his blood, no one could have foreseen what was to come -- that ultimately the painting wouldn't be created until his after his passing."